Desiree Young
I am a charter member of the Missouri Valley Impressionist Society and a Best of Missouri Hands artist in painting and pottery. I am the founder of Artsy Kids which is a nonprofit designed to get art supplies to children and youth and encourage art exploration and enjoyment.
My paintings are in pastel, oil and acrylic of Missouri landscapes and people. I love to teach and share my art with others. Our pottery is call d Good Shepherd Pottery.
Good Shepherd Pottery is located in rural southwest Missouri on our family farm. My work space is a converted red barn with stained glass windows. I love it!
I am an artist at heart who continually experiments and designs new ideas. My clay is made in Missouri and the glazes are hand mixed from tested recipes that are food safe. Lace, plants, seeds, and hand carved stamps are commonly impressed into my pieces to add texture and add to its character. All pieces are unique and hand made on my wheel or by slab.
I want my work to reflect our Christian heritage, so many dishes also have scripture engraved in them. I want my work to be joyful..
I tend my clay sculptures and pieces like I used to tend my patients when I worked in the hospital as a nurse. I spend a lot of time contemplating and creating each piece. Creating in clay brings joy in my life. I am very thankful for the opportunity to do this.
I encourage customers to regularly use their pieces.” Everyday art brings joy to life!” | 417-844-4551