Filtering by: watercolor

Painting Light and Emotion in Watercolor | Alicia Farris
to Mar 7

Painting Light and Emotion in Watercolor | Alicia Farris

Capture the luminosity and drama of light, and paint with more emotion in this 2-day watercolor workshop!   Alicia will work with students on what to look for in a good reference, how to utilize light with shapes, color, and other exciting design elements to tell a much more interesting story in a painting than what the photo reference offers.   Alicia will demonstrate each day and students can either follow along with the same subject or choose their own.  She will demonstrate painting a human face with dramatic light shapes and another subject with dramatic light.  This workshop will be suited for any level of watercolor experience, Alicia likes to work with each student individually to help nurture their own path.

Space will be limited. Please contact Alicia through her website or email her at to register or with questions.

Dates: March 6, and 7th, 2025

Times: 9am - 3:30pm

Fee: $195 for 2-day workshop. Fee includes studio fee

Supply list available upon registration

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                 Watercolor & Batik Design Workshop | Paula Moore
to Dec 14

Watercolor & Batik Design Workshop | Paula Moore

  • Splatter Art Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

BECAUSE OF SEVERAL REQUESTS FOR A REPEAT, THIS WORKSHOP IS BEING OFFERED AGAIN IN DECEMBER, JUST IN TIME FOR A ONE-OF-A-KIND CHRISTMAS GIFT!! Used by permission, The photo shown here is the creative efforts of workshop participant, Deb Wermer!! WOW!

Led by the award-winning artist Paula Moore, this workshop offers a rare opportunity to become familiar with the design process creating a watercolor batik painting of a building of your choice. Whether it's your home, barn, or cabin, Paula will guide you through the elements and principles of design. The workshop participant class size is 15, so reserve your space early. For the duration of the workshop, we can leave our workstation setup securely locked in the building.

Workshop Schedule:

Thursday, December 12th 9-4pm: Workstation set up, Introduction to design process, watercolor marker review, Bonus project featuring color and value theories. You’ll also learn the steps of wax batiking methods. As a special guest, I have invited Lori Decker with TCI Printing to share her expertise in printing and designing. Lori will bring printed copies of your chosen subject matter.

Friday, December 13th 9:00 am-4:00 pm—Morning session: 9-12 pm Break for lunch, 1-4 pm—Continue to work on the project and iron out the wax to finish the batiked painting.

Saturday, December 14th, 9:00 am- noon— If more time is needed to finish or enhance the painting, Saturday morning will be our catch-up session.

What is included: The workshop fee of $100.00 covers a comprehensive package that ensures you get the most out of this innovative workshop. The cost includes all vendor fees, an instruction guide, a bonus project, demonstrations, batik rice paper surface, use of waxing supplies and brushes, watercolor paints, and use of Paula's watercolor brushes. You will also receive a personal set of quality 12-count landscape watercolor markers, a black ink permanent marker, and green value lens - and more!. This package, valued at over $ 200, is designed to cater to both confident beginners and advanced students, making it a valuable investment in your artistic journey.

Your homework before the workshop: Consider the building you want to paint. Paula will help you decide on the structure of the scene you want to paint.

Please email your building photo(s) to for review. We’ll talk about your inspiration and composition options. When the design is finalized, 2 color copies of the same size and 2 black-and-white copies will be provided to you the first day of the workshop.. More details will be given to the registered participants.

What to bring: An old towel, a roll of paper towels, your personal watercolor paints and brushes if you choose, and other mixed mediums to enhance your painting, such as pastels and water-soluble crayons. (Note: Paula will have a Play Station available with various options.) Bring a portable hairdryer, your own drink, and a notebook for notes. For Friday, homemade soup will be ready for our lunch or you can bring you own or order out. For this multiday workshop, If you would like, bring shareable nibbles. There is a full refrigerator/freezer available.

For questions, please  email- | 417-830-6802)

 Limited participation is available. Please book early to save your spot

Palace on the Green, Deb Wermer, Watercolor Batik

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                 Watercolor & Batik Design Workshop | Paula Moore
to Nov 9

Watercolor & Batik Design Workshop | Paula Moore

 SAVE THE DATES FOR THIS UNIQUELY PERSONALIZED DESIGN WORKSHOP. Led by the award-winning artist Paula, this workshop offers a rare opportunity to learn the design process of creating a watercolor batik painting of a building of your choice. Whether it's your home, barn, or cabin, Paula will guide you through the elements and principles of design. The workshop participant class size is 20, so reserve your space early. For the duration of the workshop, we can leave our workstation setup securely locked in the building.

Workshop Schedule:

Thursday, November 7th, 1-4 pm: Workstation set up, Introduction to design process, watercolor marker review, Bonus project featuring color and value theories. You’ll also learn the steps of wax batiking methods. As a special guest, I have invited Lori Decker with TCI Printing to share her expertise in printing and designing. Lori will bring printed copies of your chosen subject matter.

Friday, November 8th: 9:00 am-4:00 pm—Morning session: 9-12 pm Break for lunch, 1-4 pm—Continue to work on the project and iron out the wax to finish the batiked painting.

Saturday, November 9th, 9:00 - noon—If you need more time to finish or enhance the painting, Saturday morning will be our catch-up session.

What is included: The workshop fee of $100.00 covers a comprehensive package that ensures you get the most out of this innovative workshop. The cost includes all vendor fees, an instruction guide, a bonus project, demonstrations, batik rice paper surface, use of waxing supplies and brushes, watercolor paints, and use of Paula's watercolor brushes. You will also receive a personal set of quality 12-count landscape watercolor markers, a black ink permanent marker, and green value glasses. This package, valued at over $ 200, is designed to cater to both confident beginners and advanced students, making it a valuable investment in your artistic journey.

Your homework before the workshop: Consider the building you want to paint. Paula will help you decide on the structure of the scene you want to paint. Please email your building photo to for review. We’ll talk about your inspiration and composition for this 11x14 image size. When the design is finalized, you will need to bring 2 color copies of the same size and 3 black-and-white copies of the same size to the workshop. More details will be given to the registered participants.

What you bring: An old towel, a roll of paper towels, your personal watercolor paints and brushes if you choose, and Other mixed mediums to enhance your painting, such as pastels and water-soluble crayons. (Note: Paula will have a Play Station available with various options.) Bring your photos mentioned above, a portable hairdryer, your own drink, and a notebook for notes. For Friday, please bring your lunch, or we can order from Galloway Grill. For this multiday workshop, If you would like, bring shareable nibbles. There is a refrigerator/freezer available.

For questions, please  email- | 417-830-6802)

 Limited participation is available. Please book early to save your spot

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to Oct 4

Expressive Watercolor Painting with Alicia Farris - Figures in the Landscape

In this immersive workshop, Alicia will introduce the students to painting the figure in the landscape using dramatic color and contrast! Learn to apply great design elements such as color, value, shape, texture and more while thinking about good composition and balance. . You’ll review figure proportions and effective strategies to tell a story with dramatic color and emotion!

Alicia will spend class time with demonstrations, class and individual discussions. Students will have the option of working along with Alicia’s subject matter or choosing a subject of their own with which to apply the techniques.

Dates: October 3 and 4th, 2024

Times: 9-3:30

Location: Splatter Art Studio

2-day Workshop fee: $195 (includes studio fee)

Please contact Alicia by e-mail at to register. Class size will be limited

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9:00 AM09:00

Watercolor Pouring & Ink Dragonfly

Watercolor Pouring - Dragonfly

  I'm sharing my original award-winning design of my watercolor-pouring dragonfly! 

Confident beginners to advanced students will enjoy this innovative workshop. The background is created by pouring watercolor paint on the prepared paper and allowing it to dry. Each participant will use a tin roaster pan to catch all the drips. After the background dries thoroughly, the dragonfly subject matter is inked and painted. We will have a morning session to paint and begin the dragonfly image. (There will be a break for lunch—bring your own, or we can order lunch.) After lunch, we will continue to paint the dragonfly, and I’ll show you techniques to create the 3-D illusion of this weightless beauty.

For an all-inclusive fee of $55.00 per student, you will receive a 300-lb Watercolor paper surface, supplies, materials, an archival black ink pen, a complete instructional guide, and the venue fee. You can also use my watercolor brushes and other supplies to create the project. Feel free to bring your own supplies, such as your favorite brushes, paints, alcohol inks, and pastels, to enhance your painting.

For questions, please  email- | 417-830-6802)

 Limited participation is available. Please book early to save your spot

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9:00 AM09:00

Adventures with Watercolor on YUPO!

Alicia will introduce students to the wonderful world of painting on the unique and exciting surface of Yupo paper. This workshop will include discussion of such important design elements as shape, composition, texture, pattern, dramatic color and more! We will cover a variety of subject matter so that students can just enjoy experience the forgiving, unlimited benefits of painting on Yupo. Alicia will supply Yupo paper, students will need to just bring basic watercolor supplies. Material list will be provided upon registration.

Date: Friday, May 24

Times: 9-noon

Location: Splatter Art Studio

Workshop fee: $45 plus $5 studio fee

Please contact Alicia to register at e-mail Class size will be limited.

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1:00 PM13:00

Watercolor Bouquet on Canvas

We will be painting a beautiful floral bouquet on a stretched canvas.

Class fee: $50, includes studio fee

Instructor: Ursula Wollenberg



Recommended Supplies:

Watercolor paints:

Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Orange, Sap Green, Yellow, Violet, Ultramarine Blue

*Bring any colors you wish to use.

A variety of watercolor brushes.

2 water containers

Paper towels, paint palette for mixing, drawing pencil, spray bottle

Watercolor wrapped canvas;

Size 8 x 10 in. r 9 x12 inches.

Fredrix Stretched watercolor canvas. or Michaels’s Artist Loft watercolor canvas.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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1:00 PM13:00

Watercolor Made Simple

Watercolor Made Simple

In this class, we will explore nature.

Creating a few simple exercises of trees, grass and sky.

Creating a lovely landscape by the end of class time.

This class is for beginners or anyone that would like to improve their watercolor skills.

I will supply the paper! Reference photos and more.


Watercolor paints, brushes and two water containers.

Paper towels, pencil, eraser, masking tape , and a large palette to mix paints.

Class fee : $55

For more information or to sign up for class, contact:

Ursula Wollenberg @ 417-861-0317. -

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9:30 AM09:30

Season's Greetings Watercolor Greeting card class.

A fun watercolor class for the season.

We will be painting greeting cards and an ornament in watercolor. Just in time for the holidays!

I will have several designs to chose from and will supply the cards (3 each) and ornament for each student. I will also have some glitter paint and masking fluid available.

Please bring the following:

Watercolor paints (no specific colors) and brushes.

A palette, two water containers, paper towels and a drawing pencil.

Micron pen, Black. (or any fine waterproof marker)

Any embellishments you may want to use, and 140lb watercolor paper and or watercolor cards if you would like to make a few more.

All levels are welcome and just come and have fun!

Class fee: $50 (fee includes ( $5 studio fee)

Call or text me with any questions you may have and to sign up for the class.

Ursula Wollenberg 417-861-0317/ or email me

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Still-Life in Watercolor
10:00 AM10:00

Still-Life in Watercolor

As we continue to wade into watercolor painting, we will use what we have learned and create a beautiful floral still life.

“A still-life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural or human-made.”

We will paint together and individually as we explore this fun subject matter and the beauty of watercolor.

All levels are welcome.

Bring a light lunch!

Supplies: 140lb watercolor paper

paper towels, paint palette, 2 water containers, palette knife, kneaded eraser, drawing pencil, good watercolor brushes

Watercolor paints. I will share if you need some.

Foam board or something to adhere paper on. Artist or masking tape.

Bring what you have as I will share what you do not have.

Class fee: $55

Contact info: 417-861-0317

Save the date!


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to Jul 21


Alicia Farris will share her studies of the human face and figure in this two-day watercolor workshop.  Using Alicia’s characteristic loose and colorful style, you will learn techniques to portray not just a likeness, more importantly, the personality and emotion in a human subject.  Students will benefit from demonstrations as well as discussion, individual and group critiques.

This class is intended for the painter who has at least a basic command of the watercolor medium; portrait painting is not a prerequisite. 

Sample photos for the first day will be supplied to all students who register, along with the supply list.  Students will have the opportunity to work from supplied photos or work from their own photo if they wish during the workshop.   Listing on website:

Please e-mail Alicia to register:


July 20 and 21, 2023

Times: 9-3:30

Fee: $190 for two-day workshop (this includes studio fee)

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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The FUNdamentals of Watercolor - "MAKING WAVES!"
1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals of Watercolor - "MAKING WAVES!"

Making Waves! Wave Structure, Colors Schemes, Texture, Composition, Atmospheric

Recently I was fortunate to visit several beaches on the West Coast and took lots of photos! This is a little painting that captures the essence of looking out over the Pacific Ocean standing on the Huntington Beach Pier. I will be sharing the step-by-step techniques how to create this scene. You’ll also learn wave structure, color schemes, interesting composition theme, and paint the illusion of atmospheric perspective. Confident Beginners and beyond will enjoy this class. The image size of my project is 9”x12”. You can make smaller or larger. I’ll show you how to adjust the size.

I still have a few Chromatek Watercolor Starter Kits available for $30.00, sold separately. (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. This “Making Waves” is a stand alone bonus project.! please contact me at to reserve one of these nice sets!

The Making Waves session is $35.00 which includes he venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Bring your own watercolor supplies & materials. The maskit fluid will be provided.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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to Jun 9

THE SHADOW KNOWS! Watercolor workshop with beloved St. Louis watercolor artist, Marilynne Bradley


Contrasts in composition make paintings come alive by adding depth with shadow. Marilynne will concentrate on value and contrasts to achieve depth. She’ll discuss composition of subject matter and improving the image. Students will use photo images of landscapes and reinterpret color schemes.

All materials will be provided.


June 8 and 9, 2023

Time: 9:30-3

Fee: $200 for 2-day workshop

Students may register for one day for $125

Marilynne was Alicia’s high school art teacher and inspired her to continue her creative endeavors. Marilynne’s work has been exhibited around the world and she continues to be recognized in National and International watercolor shows. She also continues to teach regularly and encourages artists of every level of experience.

Please e-mail Alicia Farris - or Marilynne Bradley- to register. Please be sure you receive a return e-mail confirmation that you are registered.

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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Fresh Flowers In Watercolor 2
10:00 AM10:00

Fresh Flowers In Watercolor 2

This class is for anyone who missed the last Fresh Flower class or would like to continue to learn more.

All levels welcome!

We will take it a little further, exploring backgrounds, negative space as we paint a floral still-life.

We will work as a group and individually.

I will supply paper, paints and brushes (brushes if needed)

Cost of class is $45. This does include the studio fee.

Please bring the following:

Paper towels, drawing pencil, kneaded eraser, and 2 water containers. Good watercolor brushes and watercolor paints you may have.

This will be a fun and relaxed class as were continue to explore the beauty of fresh flowers in watercolor.

For questions or to sign up:

Ursula Wollenberg,

Call or text: 417-861-0317

See you in class!

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Start Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 count paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & freebies, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why , What, When & Where!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. Classes will be continue approximately through June.

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at

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1:00 PM13:00

The FUNdamentals in Watercolor Series - Designed for Beginners or as a Refresher!

You’ve been waiting for a beginner’s watercolor series of classes and here they are! This is a fresh, innovative approach in exploring watercolor painting with your own Chromatek Watercolor Kit and personal individualize instruction by Paula Moore. In the first class, you’ll receive your personal Chromatek Watercolor Starter Kit (value of $50.00) which includes, 26 quality Watercolor Paint Tubes, 5 Brushes, 1 water-brush, video tutorials to view on your iPad, iPhone or laptop, 6x8 140lb watercolor 25 ct paper. masking tape & paint palette. Paula will add her bonus projects & little surprise gifts along the way, art theory studies, demos & personal instruction. This exciting kit she has discovered along a few other household items & optional supplies & materials we’ll discuss will be everything you’ll need to successfully paint in watercolor. You’ll grasp an understanding of the How, Why, What, When & Where! In other words, The FUNdamentals!

First Session fee is $65.00 which includes the full Chromatek Watercolor Set shown, The venue fee and instruction by Paula Moore. Each weekly class in the series will then be $35.00 which includes the venue fee. .The series of classes will continue approximately through June 2023. Then, we’ll soar from there!

  Please register on my website: Questions? Contact me at or 417-830-6802.

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10:00 AM10:00

Water Works - Beginning Watercolor and Beyond

A great place to start or refresh you watercolor skills.

We will discuss and learn various watercolor terms and techniques from washes, lifting, glazing and more.

A fun day of playing and learning this lovely and sometimes unexpected medium.

Class Fee: $35 (includes studio fee).

Ursula Wollenberg: Phone: 417-861-0317

Paypal: or send check to Ursula @ 5734 S. Montego Dr. Springfield, Mo. 65804


140 lb watercolor paper. several 8x 10 sheets or larger that can be cut.

A variety of watercolor brushes, I recommend a 1” flat brush, 8 and 12 “ round and one liner and other brushes you may have.

Water basin, large palette to mix color, #2 pencil, kneaded eraser, paper towels, and frisket or masking fluid (optional)

Masking tape and flat board or clip board.

I recommend tube watercolors, but use what you have.

Here are recommended paints by QOR (Michael’s carries them)

Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red

Cobalt Blue, Hookers Green

Lemon Yellow, Raw Sienna,

Hooker’s Green, Van Dyke Brown

Use what you have!

Please let me know if you have and questions beforehand.

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9:30 AM09:30

Painting Your Pet From a Photograph Workshop

Come join in the fun of capturing a portrait of your special pet in watercolor! (8”x10” image)

When:  Friday, August 26th, 9:30-am-4:30pm with a lunch break on your own.

Where: Splatter Art Studio, 4160 S. Lone Pine Ave, Springfield, MO 65804

Instructional Fee: $45.00 (Included venue fee) Registration in advanced required:    Limited to 15 participants .

 This is an introduction class perfect for those who want to learn the designing process as well as techniques of painting the facial expression of your favorite pet. 

 Learn the thought processes in capturing your pet’s personality & best composition decision.   I’ll share tips how to quickly establish base-line measurements, drawing the image using the gridding method from a photo to watercolor paper, color theory, saving the whites, creating furry textures, developing the background.

Important instructions and preliminary homework prior to the workshop:

1).  I suggest a side view or full-face view of your pet (any animal you choose!)  We will be focusing on facial features- eyes, nose, mouth & ears in detail.

2).  Upload a clear photo(s) of full facial view or side view of your pet's face to: then we’ll discuss how best to paint your pet.

3).  BRING THE FOLLOWING PET PHOTO TO THE WORKSHOP:  TWO (2) 8 1/2" x 11"clear focused color copies AND FOUR (4) clear focused black & white copies

*Supplies you’ll need to bring: 140 lb Watercolor Paper, 4-5 approximately 9x12 sheets  (You'll create a technique sheet), Watercolor brushes:  Bring all your favorite brushes! Watercolors:   Bring all colors you have available. (I'll show you how to determine a color scheme for each pet.) Water container, paint palette, Miscellaneous: Paper towels, tan masking tape, liquid masking fluid, portable hair dryer, #2 pencil and sharpener, soft eraser, ruler, small sea sponge, color wheel.  *If you would like me to supply the necessary watercolor paints & use of watercolor brushes supplies listed above, an additional $10.00 palette fee is required.  Please let me know prior to the workshop should you need this.

  Please register on my website: Paypal available. Questions? Contact me at

Example of Watercolor portraits - (This is of Daisy & Zander) Who will you capture in watercolor?

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FACES in Watercolor with Alicia Farris
to Jul 22

FACES in Watercolor with Alicia Farris

Alicia Farris will share her studies of the human face in this two-day watercolor workshop.  Using Alicia’s characteristic loose and colorful style, you will learn techniques to portray not just a likeness, more importantly, the personality and emotion of the human face or a subject.  Students will benefit from demonstrations as well as discussion, individual and group critiques.

This class is intended for the painter who has at least a basic command of the watercolor medium; portrait painting is not a pre-requisite. 

Sample photos for the first day will be supplied to all students who register along with the supply list.  Students will have the opportunity to work from their own photo if they wish during the workshop. 

Class size limited 

Contact Alicia Farris via e-mail at to register

Time: 9-3pm There will be a break for lunch

cost: $165 for both days - this includes studio fee

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1:00 PM13:00

Your Personal Watercolor Journal

Join us for this fun workshop where you’ll create this unique personal watercolor journal. Make it to fit your style for travel, taking notes, a themed book….The ideas are limitless! The photos are an example of what you can do!

We’ll start with a provided 18’x24 sheet of quality watercolor paper.  Then I’ll show you how to accordion fold it down to a 6”x9” 18-page (front & back) personal journal. ALL quality materials & supplies are included to make this journal using your own set of quality watercolor pencils & permanent ink pen. There will be stamps, stencils to use and stickers from which to choose.  Paula Moore will share several of her tips, techniques, & original designs inspiring you to capture your own fond memories. Supervised elementary students to adults will enjoy this workshop!   Limited to 15 students.  Fee is $45 including vendor fee, watercolor pencils, & materials.

  Please register on my website: Paypal available. Questions? Contact me at

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1:00 PM13:00

Watercolor Batik Summer Flowers Catch-up date

This is an additional work day reserved for those students who painted the batik Wildflower project on Monday June 6th.

Note: For this workshop, you’ll need your regular watercolor paints, brushes and supplies.

Location: Splatter Art Studio, 4160 S. Lone Pine Ave, MO 65804

Questions? Contact me at

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