Filtering by: painting
Impressions and Expressions! Faces in Watercolor | Alicia Farris
to Jun 20

Impressions and Expressions! Faces in Watercolor | Alicia Farris

  • Splatter Art + Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Alicia Farris will share her studies of the human face in this three-day watercolor workshop.  Using Alicia's characteristic loose and colorful style, students will learn techniques to portray not just a likeness, more importantly, the personality and emotion of the human face or subject.  Students will benefit from demonstrations each day as well as individual and group discussion.  This workshop is designed for the painter who has at least a basic command of the watercolor medium, the serious beginner to the advanced student.  Portrait painting is not a prerequisite.  Alicia will work with students individually to help them nurture their own artistic journey.  

Sample photos for the first day will be supplied to all students who register.  Students will have the opportunity to work from supplied photos or their own if they wish, during the workshop.  

Dates: June 18–20th, 2025 | 9am-3:30pm | Fee: $290 for 3-day workshop (Fee includes Studio fee)

Contact Alicia Farris to confirm registration at

Class size will be limited, Secure your spot today!

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Painting Light and Emotion in Watercolor | Alicia Farris
to Mar 7

Painting Light and Emotion in Watercolor | Alicia Farris

Capture the luminosity and drama of light, and paint with more emotion in this 2-day watercolor workshop!   Alicia will work with students on what to look for in a good reference, how to utilize light with shapes, color, and other exciting design elements to tell a much more interesting story in a painting than what the photo reference offers.   Alicia will demonstrate each day and students can either follow along with the same subject or choose their own.  She will demonstrate painting a human face with dramatic light shapes and another subject with dramatic light.  This workshop will be suited for any level of watercolor experience, Alicia likes to work with each student individually to help nurture their own path.

Space will be limited. Please contact Alicia through her website or email her at to register or with questions.

Dates: March 6, and 7th, 2025

Times: 9am - 3:30pm

Fee: $195 for 2-day workshop. Fee includes studio fee

Supply list available upon registration

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to Oct 4

Expressive Watercolor Painting with Alicia Farris - Figures in the Landscape

In this immersive workshop, Alicia will introduce the students to painting the figure in the landscape using dramatic color and contrast! Learn to apply great design elements such as color, value, shape, texture and more while thinking about good composition and balance. . You’ll review figure proportions and effective strategies to tell a story with dramatic color and emotion!

Alicia will spend class time with demonstrations, class and individual discussions. Students will have the option of working along with Alicia’s subject matter or choosing a subject of their own with which to apply the techniques.

Dates: October 3 and 4th, 2024

Times: 9-3:30

Location: Splatter Art Studio

2-day Workshop fee: $195 (includes studio fee)

Please contact Alicia by e-mail at to register. Class size will be limited

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Painting Light & Atmosphere with Farley Lewis
to Aug 24

Painting Light & Atmosphere with Farley Lewis

2-Day Workshop

COST: $300

TIME: 9am - 4pm (doors open at 8:45am)


Painting Light & Atmosphere

Learn to paint landscapes filled with light and atmosphere.

Create the illusion of depth, keys for painting sunlight and

shadows, and understanding and using color temperature.

You’ll gain confidence as you learn how light behaves.

The days begin with a teaching time and demonstration.

Participants receive focused attention as they work on

their own paintings. Held at Splatter Art Studio.

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9:00 AM09:00

Adventures with Watercolor on YUPO!

Alicia will introduce students to the wonderful world of painting on the unique and exciting surface of Yupo paper. This workshop will include discussion of such important design elements as shape, composition, texture, pattern, dramatic color and more! We will cover a variety of subject matter so that students can just enjoy experience the forgiving, unlimited benefits of painting on Yupo. Alicia will supply Yupo paper, students will need to just bring basic watercolor supplies. Material list will be provided upon registration.

Date: Friday, May 24

Times: 9-noon

Location: Splatter Art Studio

Workshop fee: $45 plus $5 studio fee

Please contact Alicia to register at e-mail Class size will be limited.

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1:00 PM13:00

Watercolor Bouquet on Canvas

We will be painting a beautiful floral bouquet on a stretched canvas.

Class fee: $50, includes studio fee

Instructor: Ursula Wollenberg



Recommended Supplies:

Watercolor paints:

Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Orange, Sap Green, Yellow, Violet, Ultramarine Blue

*Bring any colors you wish to use.

A variety of watercolor brushes.

2 water containers

Paper towels, paint palette for mixing, drawing pencil, spray bottle

Watercolor wrapped canvas;

Size 8 x 10 in. r 9 x12 inches.

Fredrix Stretched watercolor canvas. or Michaels’s Artist Loft watercolor canvas.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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1:00 PM13:00

Watercolor Made Simple

Watercolor Made Simple

In this class, we will explore nature.

Creating a few simple exercises of trees, grass and sky.

Creating a lovely landscape by the end of class time.

This class is for beginners or anyone that would like to improve their watercolor skills.

I will supply the paper! Reference photos and more.


Watercolor paints, brushes and two water containers.

Paper towels, pencil, eraser, masking tape , and a large palette to mix paints.

Class fee : $55

For more information or to sign up for class, contact:

Ursula Wollenberg @ 417-861-0317. -

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Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis

Session 4 – Wednesday, November 22, 2023

COST: $50 (plus $5 studio fee)

TIME: 9am - Noon (doors open at 8:45am)


#4 – Bold & Beautiful Brushwork

Learn new ways to apply paint, and mindsets that

break off timidity and help you have fun, relax and

develop your voice as an artist.  The class begins

with a short teaching time and demonstration. Individuals

receive focused attention as they work on their own paintings.

Classes are Wednesday 9am to noon at Splatter Art Studio.

To reserve a spot, call or text me at 417-773-1175.

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Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis

Session 3 – Wednesday, November 15, 2023

COST: $50 (plus $5 studio fee)

TIME: 9am - Noon (doors open at 8:45am)


#3 – Values, Contrast & Color

Learn key principles for observing and using

values and mixing colors to create a focal area

and lead the viewer’s eye. The class begins

with a short teaching time and demonstration. Individuals

receive focused attention as they work on their own paintings.

Classes are Wednesday 9am to noon at Splatter Art Studio.


To reserve a spot, call or text me at 417-773-1175.

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9:30 AM09:30

Season's Greetings Watercolor Greeting card class.

A fun watercolor class for the season.

We will be painting greeting cards and an ornament in watercolor. Just in time for the holidays!

I will have several designs to chose from and will supply the cards (3 each) and ornament for each student. I will also have some glitter paint and masking fluid available.

Please bring the following:

Watercolor paints (no specific colors) and brushes.

A palette, two water containers, paper towels and a drawing pencil.

Micron pen, Black. (or any fine waterproof marker)

Any embellishments you may want to use, and 140lb watercolor paper and or watercolor cards if you would like to make a few more.

All levels are welcome and just come and have fun!

Class fee: $50 (fee includes ( $5 studio fee)

Call or text me with any questions you may have and to sign up for the class.

Ursula Wollenberg 417-861-0317/ or email me

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Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis

Session 2 – Wednesday, November 8, 2023

COST: $50 (plus $5 studio fee)

TIME: 9am - Noon (doors open at 8:45am)


#2 – Simple & Creative

Simplify for dramatic effect, both in the studio

and in the field. Learn bold and creative block-in

strategies and tips for editing what you see. The class

begins with a short teaching time and demonstration. Individuals

receive focused attention as they work on their own paintings.

Classes are Monday 9am to noon at Splatter Art Studio.


To reserve a spot, call or text me at 417-773-1175.

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Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Landscape Painting with Farley Lewis

Session 1 – Wednesday, November 1, 2023

COST: $50 (plus $5 studio fee)

TIME: 9am - Noon (doors open at 8:45am)


#1 – Getting Started

Learn how to choose a scene, and how to compose

a dynamic composition that effectively tells the story.

Explore tips and techniques for developing and

refining your composition. The class begins

with a short teaching time and demonstration. Individuals

receive focused attention as they work on their own paintings.

Classes are Monday 9am to noon at Splatter Art Studio.


To reserve a spot, call or text me at 417-773-1175.

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Still-Life in Watercolor
10:00 AM10:00

Still-Life in Watercolor

As we continue to wade into watercolor painting, we will use what we have learned and create a beautiful floral still life.

“A still-life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural or human-made.”

We will paint together and individually as we explore this fun subject matter and the beauty of watercolor.

All levels are welcome.

Bring a light lunch!

Supplies: 140lb watercolor paper

paper towels, paint palette, 2 water containers, palette knife, kneaded eraser, drawing pencil, good watercolor brushes

Watercolor paints. I will share if you need some.

Foam board or something to adhere paper on. Artist or masking tape.

Bring what you have as I will share what you do not have.

Class fee: $55

Contact info: 417-861-0317

Save the date!


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Beautiful Color in Landscapes with Farley Lewis
to Jul 15

Beautiful Color in Landscapes with Farley Lewis


Two-Day Workshop

July 14-15, 2023

9am - 4pm

Cost: $210

Color is both exciting and challenging. This acrylic & oil painting

workshop is designed to help you understand color and how to mix

and use it effectively. Learn simple keys to keep your colors working

well together, the power of grays, color temperature, what makes colors

“glow” and how to transition colors within a shape. Each class begins

with a short teaching time and demonstration. Individuals receive

focused attention as they work on their own paintings.

To register, go to Call or text Farley

at 417-773-1175 with questions.

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Fresh Flowers In Watercolor 2
10:00 AM10:00

Fresh Flowers In Watercolor 2

This class is for anyone who missed the last Fresh Flower class or would like to continue to learn more.

All levels welcome!

We will take it a little further, exploring backgrounds, negative space as we paint a floral still-life.

We will work as a group and individually.

I will supply paper, paints and brushes (brushes if needed)

Cost of class is $45. This does include the studio fee.

Please bring the following:

Paper towels, drawing pencil, kneaded eraser, and 2 water containers. Good watercolor brushes and watercolor paints you may have.

This will be a fun and relaxed class as were continue to explore the beauty of fresh flowers in watercolor.

For questions or to sign up:

Ursula Wollenberg,

Call or text: 417-861-0317

See you in class!

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Poetic Landscapes with Farley Lewis
to Mar 25

Poetic Landscapes with Farley Lewis


Two-Day Workshop

March 24-25, 9am to 4pm

Cost: $210


A solid composition and value structure, harmonious color,

a variety of edges – this catches the viewer’s eye from

across the room. Poetic expression and brushwork cause

the viewer to linger. This workshop deals with both: the

five elements of a painting – Composition, Values, Color,

Edges and Detail – and creative approaches to block-ins

and brushwork. Whether you are new to painting,

or you’ve been painting for years, this class has

something for everyone. The workshop begins with a

short teaching and demonstration, then the participants

can work on their own painting with plenty of one-on-one


To register, go to Call or text Farley

At 417-773-1175 with questions.

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Painting Lilies with Farley Lewis
to Mar 21

Painting Lilies with Farley Lewis


TIME: 1pm to 4pm

COST: $50 + $5 studio fee

Let’s paint some lilies, just for fun (and learn a lot

in the process!). Each class begins with a short teaching and

demonstration, then participants work on their own painting

with plenty of individualized instruction and encouragement.

To register go to

Call or text Farley at 417-773-1175 with questions.

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Painting Florals with Farley Lewis
1:00 PM13:00

Painting Florals with Farley Lewis


COST: $50 per class (plus a $5 studio fee)

TIME: 1pm to 4pm

Learn to paint the delicate rose with boldness and confidence.

Each class begins with a short teaching and demonstration,

then participants work on their own painting with plenty of

individualized instruction and encouragement.

To register go to

Call or text Farley at 417-773-1175 with questions.

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Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis


TIME: 9am - Noon

COST: $50 + $5 studio fee

Learn new ways to apply paint, and mindsets that break off timidity

and help you have fun, relax and develop your voice as an artist.

Each class begins with a short teaching and demonstration, then

participants work on their own painting with plenty of individualized

instruction and encouragement. To register go to

Call or text Farley at 417-773-1175 with questions.

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Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis


COST: $50 + $5 studio fee

9am - Noon

Learn key principles for observing and using values and mixing

colors to create a focal area and lead the viewer’s eye. Each class

begins with a short teaching and demonstration, then participants

work on their own painting with plenty of individualized instruction

and encouragement. To register go to

Call or text Farley at 417-773-1175 with questions.

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Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis

#2 - Simple & Creative

COST: $50 + $5 studio fee

TIME: 9am - Noon

Simplify for dramatic effect, both in the studio and in the field.

Learn bold and creative block-in strategies and tips for

editing what you see. Classes begin with a short teaching and

demonstration, then participants work on their own painting with

plenty of individualized instruction.

To register, go to Call or text Farley at

417-773-1175 with questions.

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Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Bold & Beautiful Landscapes with Farley Lewis


COST: $50 + $5 studio fee

TIME: 9am - Noon

Learn keys to choosing a scene, and how to compose a

dynamic composition that tell the story. Explore tips and

techniques for developing and refining your composition.

Each class begins with a short teaching and demonstration,

then participants work on their own painting with plenty of

individualized instruction and encouragement.

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FACES in Watercolor with Alicia Farris
to Jul 22

FACES in Watercolor with Alicia Farris

Alicia Farris will share her studies of the human face in this two-day watercolor workshop.  Using Alicia’s characteristic loose and colorful style, you will learn techniques to portray not just a likeness, more importantly, the personality and emotion of the human face or a subject.  Students will benefit from demonstrations as well as discussion, individual and group critiques.

This class is intended for the painter who has at least a basic command of the watercolor medium; portrait painting is not a pre-requisite. 

Sample photos for the first day will be supplied to all students who register along with the supply list.  Students will have the opportunity to work from their own photo if they wish during the workshop. 

Class size limited 

Contact Alicia Farris via e-mail at to register

Time: 9-3pm There will be a break for lunch

cost: $165 for both days - this includes studio fee

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Celebrate Summer with Sunflowers, Watermelons and Acrylic Paints!
12:30 PM12:30

Celebrate Summer with Sunflowers, Watermelons and Acrylic Paints!

Sunflowers and Watermelon.

Step out of the heat and join me at the studio.

We will be creating a fun acrylic still-life. Learn the basics and fun additions to add to any acrylic painting.

Class Fee: $40 includes studio fee

Time. 12;30 - 4:00 PM

We will learn to paint loosely, using acrylic paints, brushes, mark making, masking tape and palette knife.

Addressing acrylic painting tips and tricks. to help along the way.

Painting a still life from nature. Exploring what works best for you.


9 x 12 or 12 x 12 canvas. (whatever you are comfortable with)

Water basin, good size palette for mixing paints, Paper towels.

Suggested brushes: 1 in flat brush, #6 filbert, a few round and flat brushes.

Palette Knife, charcoal for drawing or pencil.

Retarder or flow medium

Masking tape and scissors.

Acrylic Paint colors:

Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Umber

Permanent Maroon, Cadmium Red, Titanium White, Titan Buff

Sap Green Hue, Yellow Green, Cobalt Teal (Turquoise)

Paynes Grey, Ultramarine Blue and Quinocridone Gold

Don’t worry if you do not have all the colors! I am always happy to share.

We may even have some fresh watermelon to snack on!

All levels welcome.

Contact me with any questions .

Ursula Wollenberg


Send check to : 5734 S. Montego Dr. Springfield, Mo 65804. Or, paypal:

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10:00 AM10:00

Fearless Expressive Floral...Sunflowers & Geraniums in Acrylics

Lets paint without fear!! Lets express in paint!! Class is open to all levels. Class is limited to 10 students. Class fee is $55 … class time is 10am to 3pm…at Splatter Studio in Springfield MO…Instructor Regina Willard

Students will be painting in acrylics a big beautiful floral of sunflowers and geraniums. Participants will be instructed on building a strong expressive painting from the start with a underpainting of shapes and lines, while giving life to it by adding values of light and dark and then adding the expressive bold colors that will bring the painting to life. Class discussions will cover what makes a good painting, the importance of variety and difference in shapes, brushwork and color temperature along with lots more !!

Supply list as follows:

Acrylic paint colors… titanium white, cad yellow light, cad yellow medium, yellow ochre, cad red light, alizarin crimson(or magenta), burnt sienna, ultramarine blue, ceralean blue, viridian & paynes grey.

Assorted brushes in flats and rounds, big medium and small ( different size brushes gives you different marks in paint)

Palette knives assorted..medium to large to mix paint and apply paint

16x20 or 18x24 canvas

Large palette to mix paint on..( I love reynolds wrap freezer paper to just tape to table).

Water spritzer to keep paint wet & acrylic medium to keep paint from drying too fast. Paper towels, water tub or container to clean brushes.

Table easel to fit large canvas.

Workshop fee of $55 can be paid by way of PayPal. My email is or if you wish to pay by check please mail to Regina Willard 2810 Ginger Dr West Plains, MO 65775.

Workshop fees are non -refundable

Any questions you may contact Regina at

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Let's Make it Bloom
12:30 PM12:30

Let's Make it Bloom

“I paint flowers so they will not die.” Frida Kahlo

I invite you to paint flowers along with me. We will be using acrylic paints, mediums, brushes, palette knife techniques and mixed media elements. Creating a lovely still-life.

Using a brayer for background and more.

Step by step and how to recognize simple shapes while painting in a free and relaxing way.

A fun exploration of flowers using brush, palette knife and mixed media supplies.

We will set up a simple floral still life as our reference. Or, bring a photo of your choosing.

Fee: $40 (includes studio fee)

For more information: Contact Ursula Wollenberg @

Text or call 417-861-0317

PayPal: or mail check to: Ursula Wollenberg

5734 S. Montego Dr. Springfield, Mo 65804

Supply list:

9 x 12 or 8x 10 canvas board

Palette to add and mix paints. Water basin, pencil, paper towels, palette knife, and drawing paper.

Good brushes, all sizes.

1 in brayer

Acrylic paints ( I like Golden Open Acrylics_)

Flow Medium or Retarder.

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to May 13

SPLASHBACK Two! Still Wallowing in Wonderful Watercolor with Alicia Farris

Wet your brushes and discover/re-discover the endless possibilities with watercolor! If you took Alicia’s “Splashback” workshop last spring, this will further celebrate the elements we explored with all new subjects and some new concepts. If you didn’t, get ready for a fun adventure! This workshop will be perfect for experienced and new painters alike, as we will explore techniques and various subject matter with a new perspective. Alicia will provide subject matter and we will experiment with luminous layering, searching for good compositions, negative shapes, good design, and more!

Class size will be limited, please e-mail Alicia - to register.

Splatter Studio, Springfield, MO

Dates: May 12 and 13, 2022

Cost: $150 - this includes studio fee

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Painting Authentic Light with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Painting Authentic Light with Farley Lewis

Saturday, May 7

 COST: $85 (includes studio fee)

TIME: 9am - 3:30pm (doors open at 8:45am)


Learning how to paint authentic-looking light begins with an understanding of light 
and atmosphere, and continues with how to mix colors that add atmospheric depth
to your paintings. Develop your ability to make a painting glow with light. 

Workshop is at Splatter Art Studio.

To register, go to my website,, or email me at


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10:00 AM10:00

Spring Floral Garden Watering Can....Palette Knife Style

We will be painting a spring inspired floral. All levels welcomed!! We will painting big (16x20 canvas size)..Bring your big creative spirit and open your mind to exploring building shapes, compositional design, mixing bigger pots of color, using more paint and loose painting using a palette knife.

Supplies …acrylic paints…Titanium white, cad yellow light, yellow ochre, cad red light, alizarin crimson or magenta, ultramarine blue, olive or sap green, viridian, burnt sienna, paynes gray…

Brushes ..good assorted sizes small, medium, large

Palette knives in variety sizes…medium and bigger ones better. I also like using rubber spatulas and foam brushes!! What ever moves paint differently!

16x20 canvas

A palette to mix all colors

Container for water

Medium…retarder to keep acrylics from drying to fast

Paper towels, table easel to fit 16x20 canvas

Class fee is $55 and includes studio fee. Payments can be made to my pay pal using email address Or send check to: 2810 Ginger Dr . West Plains, MO 65775

( workshop fees are non-refundable!)

Looking forward to seeing you in class!!

Contact information: Regina Willard 4172931188

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Painting Better Stuff with Farley Lewis
9:00 AM09:00

Painting Better Stuff with Farley Lewis

#1 – Painting Better Stuff 

This is a make-up class, open to anyone, which covers and reviews material we went through in our recent “Painting Better” series. Classes are Monday 9am to noon at Splatter Art Studio.

To reserve a spot, text me at 417-773-1175 or email me 

at Call or text 417-773-1175 with questions. 

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